The Resurrection
The Apostle Paul tells us that if Christ has not risen, then our faith is in vain (1 Corinthians 15:14). A lot of ink has been spilled by skeptics who argue against the impossibility of a miraculous resurrection occurring in space and time. However, there is great evidence that the resurrection occurred in past history. Actually, there are several lines of evidence that robustly support the resurrection accounts of the New Testament. In addition to this evidence, there are also great reasons to believe that God still performs miracles today. Ross will explore this topic from an investigative perspective.
Each of these program tracks stands alone; however, they may be combined together—in any quantity—to create a customized program for your event.
The Problem of Evil
This will be the most common objection that you will hear from atheists or skeptics as to why belief in God is irrational. This is also an area that troubles many Christians when bad things happen to them or their loved ones. Ross will explore common skeptical arguments and provide several ways in which to effectively counter these arguments. Surprisingly, philosophers do not often explore what the Bible says about this topic. This is one area that Ross emphasized in his studies and would like to share with you what the Bible says about the problem of evil.
The Great Good
This track is related to the "Problem of Evil" track (see above). Ross is audacious enough to give God a nickname: the “Great Good” and will prove to you why he believes that this is a good nickname for Him. In total contrast to those who point at the evil that is present in our world as inconsistent with a good God, Ross will point out many reasons why God can be considered as the “Great Good.” He will make a case from observations of the natural world around us, from identifying the design in the solar system that supports our existence, from the design of our bodies, from philosophy, and from the Bible. This track is a mix of apologetic material and devotional meditation.
Atheism and "New Atheist's"
Ross goes over the general topic of atheism and its recent development with the advent of the “New Atheists.” How should we engage atheists? Are they our friends or enemies? Ross also talks about some disturbing trends in the new atheism/militant atheism.
Origins, Charles Darwin, and Intelligent Design
In this track we will discuss the topic of origins from a Biblical perspective. Let’s talk about Darwin, his ideas, and his influence on modern culture. Then lets talk about intelligent design and other movements that are calling into question Darwin’s theory of mechanistic or naturalistic evolution (ie- evolution without any divine guidance).
The Relationship Between Science and Religion
In recent years, there are those who claim that science is the only realm where real truth can be ascertained and that religion should be considered mere opinion. Ross goes back in history to show the profound influence of religion upon science from the inception of science, provide examples of noted scientists and astronomers who were Christians, and show how the influence of religion on science persists even to this day. Ross also discusses the rise of Scientism and how this religious view is held by many atheistic scientists and academicians.
Biblical Inerrancy
Let’s talk about Biblical inerrancy and the recent attacks against the Bible. Let’s go over in detail what skeptics are discussing about the Bible and how investigation reveals that these attacks can be refuted by considering the claims and comparing them with the content of the Bible. Let’s talk about how the Bible can be relied upon as being the truthful and inspired word of God that is still relevant to us today even after several millennia.
What is postmodernism and what influence does it have on our culture today? Is postmodernism eroding the concept of truth? Is there anything good coming from postmodernism? What should a thoughtful response be to postmodernism and how should we engage friends and family who have adopted this perspective?
CSI Boot Camp (Teens)
This program will allow your group to step into the shoes of criminal investigators. There will be a “crime scene scenario” that your team will solve together as you compete with other teams to figure out the identity of the perpetrator. While solving the crime, your group will learn about evidence in general and how it relates to the reliability of the New Testament! Have you ever obtained a search warrant, an arrest warrant or been before a judge? You will after completing a CSI Boot Camp!
Evidences for the Christian Faith
If the CSI Boot Camp is too much “fun” for your group, then we can sit down and talk over in a traditional setting what evidence is and what evidence is not. Ross goes over all of the information contained in the above track with you in a lecture style environment. However, active participation is necessary for optimal results!
Police Brutality
Ross believes the Bible is always relevant not only in individual contexts, but also in cultural settings as well. Can the Bible give guidance in matters regarding the recent police brutality and police-community relations? Ross draws from his career, his research, and also from the pages of the Bible to teach on this much needed topic!
Social Justice
Many people do not realize the social justice movement in the United States actually originated as the “social gospel” in the early years following the Civil War. The involvement of Christians in the social justice movement continued through the decades to the present day. However, social justice has taken on a different tenor in recent years. Ross will discuss these nuances with your groups as well as the issue of Critical Race Theory. What should the church’s role be with these current issues?

Interested in having Shield Your Faith with Ross Hickling at your next conference, event, or gathering?
Book Ross here.