Shield Your Faith with Ross Hickling will...
Relying on his 26 years of investigative experience, Ross gives evidence for the reliability of the Gospel narratives, the resurrection, and examines skeptical claims.

Training to defend your faith.

Special Emphasis Meetings
Keynote address.

Topical sessions to fit your theme.

Taking Christian Apologetics to the world.

Boot Camps
Apologetics training for teens.

Pulpit Supply
Fill-in preaching during vacation.

Timothy West
Kernersville, NC
Ross helped me to understand that not only should we not have to "apologize" for the core truths of Christianity, but also that there are great reasons we have for faith in Jesus Christ, and we can rely upon the Bible as God's words to us today.

Shawn White
Few people in the apologetics field are better equipped handle evidence like Ross Hickling. Ross hasn't just studied it in the abstract while sitting in a classroom, his years of law enforcement training have placed him in a unique situation to truly know what evidence is and how to present it with clarity to others.

Laura Zielke
Kernersville, NC
I learned so much during the apologetics class! Thank you. I came into the class feeling very gun-shy about how to defend my faith to atheists, but I left the class empowered to stand up for what I believe. I have a better grasp on what "good evidence" is and how to explain it to people who don't get it.
Successful events have been held with the following organizations: